List of scientific publications


Refereed Papers

Contributions to Conference Proceedings, Abstracts, etc.

Contributions to Conferences (lectures and posters)

Invited Talks, Seminars and Colloquia (since 1997)


  1. Fink W (1993) Phasenraumanalyse von Modellen neuronaler Netzwerke (Coupling space analysis in models of neural networks), Diplomarbeit, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Göttingen
  2. Fink W (1997) Anwendung theoretisch-physikalischer Methoden in der Ophthalmologie (Application of theoretical-physical methods in ophthalmology), Dissertation, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Tübingen

    Refereed Papers:

  1. Engel A, Fink W (1993) Statistical mechanics calculation of Vapnik Chervonenkis bounds for perceptrons, J Phys A: Math Gen 26 6893
  2. Fink W, Frohn A, Schiefer U, Schmid EW, Wendelstein N (1996) A ray tracer for ophthalmological applications, Ger J Ophthalmol 5 118
  3. Fink W, Frohn A, Schiefer U, Schmid EW, Wendelstein N, Zrenner E (1996) Visuelle Wahrnehmung bei hohen Ametropien - Computergestützte Simulation mittels strahlenoptischer Rechnungen, Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 208 472
  4. Fink W, Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B, Schmid EW (1996) Multi-layered Perceptron as a Model for the Pupillary Pathway, Ger J Ophthalmol 5 160
  5. Nadler W, Fink W (1997) Finite size scaling in neural networks, Phys Rev Lett 78 555
  6. Fink W, Schiefer U, Schmid EW (1997) Effect of dislocated and tilted correction glasses on perimetric outcome - A simulation using ray-tracing, Perimetry Update 1996/1997 pp 201, Proceedings of the XIIth International Perimetric Society Meeting Würzburg, Germany, June 4-8, 1996, Wall M, Heijl A, Eds., Kugler Publications bv, Amsterdam/New York
  7. Frohn A, Fink W, Thiel HJ (1997) Strahldeflektionsmethode bei der Diagnostik unklarer Sehstörungen, Proceedings 486, 11. Kongreß der DGII in Frankfurt, Germany,1997, Ohrloff C et al., Eds., Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998
  8. Frohn A, Fink W, Thiel HJ (1998) Axiale Linsenverschiebung als Differentialdiagnose bei Visusstörungen nach Kapselruptur - Axial displacement of IOL and visual impairment, Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 213 309
  9. Huebscher HJ, Fink W, Steinbrück D, Seiler T (1999) Scheimpflug Records without Distortion - A Mythos?, Ophthalmic Research 31:2 134
  10. Fink W, Schiefer U, Schmid EW (1999) Neural attractor-network classification of visual field data, Perimetry Update 1998/1999 pp 283-288, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Perimetric Society Meeting Gardone Riviera, Italy, October, 1998, Wall M, Heijl A, Eds., Kugler Publications bv, Amsterdam/New York
  11. Burth R, Fink W, Hölper E, Mayer S, Schiefer U (1999) Development of the Tübingen neuro-ophthalmological perimetric database, Perimetry Update 1998/1999 pp 533-538, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Perimetric Society Meeting Gardone Riviera, Italy, October, 1998, Wall M, Heijl A, Eds., Kugler Publications bv, Amsterdam/New York
  12. Frohn A, Fink W, Burkhard Dick H, Thiel HJ (2001) Beam Deflection Method in Diagnosis of Impaired Vision, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 27 994
  13. Fink W, Sadun AA (2003) Novel 3D Computerized Threshold Amsler Grid Test, Perimetry Update 2002/2003 pp 207-212, Proceedings of the XVth International Perimetric Society Meeting in Stratford Upon Avon, England, June, 2002, Wall M, Henson D, Eds., Kugler Publications bv, Amsterdam/New York
  14. Fink W, Sadun AA (2004) 3D Computer-automated Threshold Amsler Grid Test, Journal of Biomedical Optics 2004 Jan;9(1):149-53
  15. Fink W (2004) Refractive Correction Method for Digital CCD-recorded Scheimpflug-photographs by Means of Ray Tracing; accepted for publication in the Journal for Biomedical Optics
  16. Fink W (2004) Neural attractor network for application in visual field data classification, Journal of Physics in Medicine and Biology 49 (7 July 2004) 2799-2809
  17. Nazemi PP, Fink W, Lim JI, Sadun AA (2004) Scotomas of age-related macular degeneration detected and characterized by means of a novel computer-automated 3D visual field test; accepted for publication in the Journal Retina
  18. Terrile RJ, Adami C, Aghazarian H, Chau SN, Dang VT, Ferguson MI, Fink W, Huntsberger TL, Klimeck G, Kordon MA, Lee S, von Allmen P, Xu J (2004) Evolutionary Computation Technologies for Space Systems; accepted for publication in IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings
  19. Lee S, von Allmen P, Fink W, Petropoulos AE, Terrile RJ (2004) Design and Optimization of Low-thrust Orbit Transfers ; accepted for publication in IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings
  20. Keymeulen D, Fink W, Ferguson MI, Peay C, Oks B, Terrile R, Yee K (2004) Tuning of MEMS Devices using Evolutionary Computation and Open-Loop Frequency Response; accepted for publication in IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings
  21. Schulze-Makuch D, Dohm JM, Fairen AG, Baker VR, Fink W, Strom RG (2004) Comparative Planetology of the Inner Planets of the Solar System: Geologic Setting, Astrobiological Assessment and Implications for Mission Design; accepted for publication in Journal Astrobiology
  22. Liu W, Fink W, Tarbell M, Sivaprakasam M (2004) Image Processing and Interface for Retinal Visual Prostheses; accepted for publication in ISCAS 2005 Conference Proceedings

    Contributions to Conference Proceedings, Abstracts, etc.:

  1. Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B, Klier R, Fink W (1995) Contralateral relative afferent pupillary defect without visual impairment in a thalamic lesion - considerations about the pupillary pathways, abstract, EUNOS-Conference 1995, Antwerpen
  2. Fink W, Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B (1995) A model for the pupillary pathway based on neural network theory, abstract, 21st International Pupil Colloquium 1995, Haigerloch
  3. Fink W, Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B (1995) Mehrschichtiges Perzeptron als Modell für die Pupillenbahn, abstract, DOG-Conference 1995, Mannheim, Der Ophthalmologe 92 Suppl 34
  4. Fink W, Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B (1996) Multi-layered Perceptron as a Model for the Pupillary Pathway, abstract, DOG-Conference 1995, Mannheim, Ger J Ophthalmol (in press)
  5. Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B, Fink W (1996) Unerklärte Pupillenbefunde - Überlegungen zur Organisation der Pupillenbahn, abstract, DOG-Conference 1995, Mannheim, Der Ophthalmologe 92 Suppl 33
  6. Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B, Fink W (1996) Unexplained pupillary findings and considerations about the pupillary pathways, abstract, DOG-Conference 1995, Mannheim, Ger J Ophthalmol (in press)
  7. Fink W, Schiefer U, Schmid EW (1996) Einfluß dislozierter bzw. verkippter Korrektionsgläser auf perimetrische Befunde, simuliert mittels Ray Tracing, abstract, WAV-Conference 1996, Tübingen, Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd (in press)
  8. Fink W, Frohn A, Schmid EW (1996) Dislocation of intraocular lens analysed by means of ray tracing, abstract, ARVO 1996, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS 37 (3) 770
  9. Bräuning J, Fink W, Schüller S, Thiel HJ (1996) Development of a video based eye tracking system, abstract, ARVO 1996, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS 37 (3) 274
  10. Schüller S, Bräuning J, Fink W, Frohn A, Thiel HJ (1996) Digital video eye tracking in perimetry, abstract, ARVO 1996, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS 37 (3) 275
  11. Fink W, Schiefer U, Schmid EW (1996) Effect of dislocated and tilted correction glasses on perimetric outcome - a simulation using Ray Tracing, abstract, IPS-Meeting 1996, Würzburg, Germany
  12. Fink W, Frohn A, Schmid EW (1996) Ray-Tracing analysis of transversally dislocated IOL, abstract, ASCRS 1996, Seattle, Washington, J Cataract Refract Surg (in press)
  13. Bräuning J, Schüller S, Fink W, Thiel HJ (1996) Miniaturisiertes Kampimetriesystem mittels Datenbrille, abstract, DOG-Conference 1996, Mannheim, Der Ophthalmologe 93 Suppl 150
  14. Bräuning J, Schüller S, Fink W, Thiel HJ (1996) Videogestützte Blickrichtungsmessung für das Automatische TAP 2000 Perimeter, abstract, DOG- Conference 1996, Mannheim, Der Ophthalmologe 93 Suppl 151
  15. Schüller S, Bräuning J, Fink W, Thiel HJ (1996) Digitale Video-Fixationskontrolle in der Perimetrie, abstract, DOG-Conference 1996, Mannheim, Der Ophthalmologe 93 Suppl 151
  16. Nadler W, Fink W (1997) Finite Size Scaling in Neuronalen Netzen, abstract, DPG-Conference 1997, Münster, Verh. der DPG 667
  17. Nadler W, Fink W (1997) Das Ising Perzeptron: Universalitätsklassen bei der Speicherung binärer Muster, abstract, DPG-Conference 1997, Münster, Verh. der DPG 672
  18. Frohn A, Fink W, Schmid EW (1997) Axial Displacement of IOL by Vitreous String, abstract, ASCRS 1997, Boston, J Cataract Refract Surg (in press)
  19. Frohn A, Fink W (1997) Light scattering in cataract as diagnostic tool, abstract, ASCRS 1997, Boston, J Cataract Refract Surg (in press)
  20. Bräuning J, Schüller S, Fink W (1997) Digitale Video-Fixationskontrolle in einem "Head Mounted Campimetric System" (HMCS), abstract, DOG-Conference 1997, Berlin, Der Ophthalmologe 94 Suppl 32
  21. Schüller S, Bräuning J, Fink W (1997) Blickrichtungsmessung mit Infrarotvideotechnik in einer Datenbrille, abstract, DOG-Conference 1997, Berlin, Der Ophthalmologe 94 Suppl 106
  22. Frohn A, Fink W (1998) Light-ray-deflection in lenses for early cataract detection, abstract, ARVO 1998, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS 39 (4) 314
  23. Fink W, Huebscher HJ, Seiler T (1998) Correction of biometric data derived from digital Scheimpflug records, abstract, ARVO 1998, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS 39 (4) 1033
  24. Burth R, Fink W, Hölper E, Mayer S, Schiefer U (1998) Development of the Tübingen neuro-ophthalmological perimetric database, abstract, IPS-Meeting 1998, Gardone Riviera, Italy
  25. Fink W, Schiefer U, Schmid EW (1998) Neural attractor-network classification of visual field data, abstract, IPS-Meeting 1998, Gardone Riviera, Italy
  26. Fink W (1999) Internet-based neural network classification of visual field data, abstract, ARVO 1999, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS 40 (4) 657
  27. Fink W, Hsieh AK, Sadun AA (2000) Computer-automated 3-D visual field testing in distinguishing paracentral scotomas of Optic Neuritis vs. AION, abstract, ARVO 2000, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS
  28. Fink W, Sadun AA (2001) Prospects for Autonomous Visual Field Testing on Space Missions, abstract, NanoSpace 2001, Exploring Interdisciplinary Frontiers, The International Conference on Integrated Nano/Microtechnology for Space and Biomedical Applications, March 13-16, 2001, Galveston, Texas (in press)
  29. Mjolsness E, Turmon M, Fink W (2001) Stochastic Parameterized Grammars for Bayesian Model Composition, abstract, Interface '01, The 33rd Symposium on the Interface of Computing Science and Statistics, Costa Mesa, Orange County, California
  30. Fahimi A, Sadun AA, Fink W (2001) Computer automated 3D visual field testing of scotomas in glaucoma, abstract, ARVO 2001, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS 42 (4) 149
  31. Nazemi PP, Fink W, Lim JI, Sadun AA (2001) Paracentral scotomas of age-related macular degneration detected by means of a novel computer-automated 3-D visual field test, abstract, ARVO 2001, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS 42 (4) 705
  32. Fink W (2001) Project Eyemovie: Motion visualization of eye defects, abstract, ARVO 2001, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS 42 (4) 854
  33. Nazemi PP, Fink W, Sadun AA, Minckler D, Francis B (2001) Early detection of glaucoma by means of a novel computer-automated 3-D visual field test, abstract, AAO 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, Proceedings 159
  34. Fink W, Castano R, Davies A, Mjolsness E (2001) Clustering Algorithm for Mutually Constraining Heterogeneous Features, Technical Report JPL-ICTR-01-5
  35. Davies AG, Fink W, Castano R, Barrett A, Mjolsness E, Burl M (2001) Observing Active Volcanism on Earth and Beyond With an Autonomous Science Investigation Capability, abstract, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting, Fall 2001, San Francisco, California
  36. Castano R, Anderson RC, Fox J, Dohm JM, Haldemann AFC, Fink W (2002) Automating Shape Analysis of Rocks on Mars, abstract, LPSC 2002, March 2002, Houston, Texas
  37. Fink W, Castano R (2002) Automated Objective Characterization of Visual Field Defects in 3D, abstract, ARVO 2002, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS
  38. Fink W (2002) Autonomous Visual Field Test & Diagnosis System in Space and on Earth, abstract, JPL IT Symposium 2002
  39. Fink W (2003) Autonomous Visual Field Test and Diagnosis System, abstract, NASA Medical Technology Summit: Forging Partnerships to Commercialize Emerging Medical Technologies
  40. Fink W (2003) Wireless Intraocular Pressure Sensor, abstract, NASA Medical Technology Summit: Forging Partnerships to Commercialize Emerging Medical Technologies
  41. Fink W, Humayun M (2003) Blind Patient-in-the-loop Optimization Algorithm for Electrical Stimulation Patterns for Retinal Implant Electrode Arrays, abstract, First DoE International Symposium on Artificial Sight, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  42. Fink W, Sadun AA, Clark JB (2003) Worldwide Accessible Comprehensive Visual Field Test & Diagnosis System, abstract, ARVO 2003, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS
  43. Fink W, Tarbell M, Weiland J, Humayun M (2004) DORA: Digital Ob ject Recognition Audio-Assistant For The Visually Impaired, abstract, ARVO 2004, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, IOVS
  44. Fink W, Clark JB, Manuel K, Sadun AA (2004) Automated Visual Field Test & Diagnosis System in Space and on Earth, 75th AsMA (Aerospace Medical Association) Annual Scientific Meeting: Frontiers in Aerospace Medicine, Anchorage, Alaska, abstract
  45. Terrile RJ, Adami C, Chau SN, Ferguson MI, Fink W, Huntsberger TL, Klimeck G, Kordon MA, von Allmen P (2004) Evolutionary Computation Techniques for the Automated Design of Space Systems, Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) 36th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Louisville, KY, abstract

    Contributions to Conferences (lectures and posters):

  1. Fink W (1993) Numerische Bestimmung der Ordnungsparameter-Verteilung für Mehrschichtnetzwerke, Workshop: Physik neuronaler Netzwerke III, Universität Oldenburg, 1. - 3. March 1993, poster
  2. Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B, Klier R, Fink W (1995) Contralateral relative afferent pupillary defect without visual impairment in a thalamic lesion - considerations about the pupillary pathways, EUNOS-Conference 1995 (European Neuro-Ophthalmological Society), Antwerpen, lecture
  3. Fink W, Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B (1995) A model for the pupillary pathway based on neural network theory, 21st International Pupil Colloquium 1995, Haigerloch, lecture
  4. Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B, Fink W (1995) Unerklärte Pupillenbefunde - Überlegungen zur Organisation der Pupillenbahn, DOG-Conference 1995 (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft), Mannheim, lecture
  5. Fink W, Wilhelm H, Wilhelm B (1995) Mehrschichtiges Perzeptron als Modell für die Pupillenbahn, DOG-Conference 1995 (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft), Mannheim, lecture
  6. Fink W, Schiefer U, Schmid EW (1996) Einfluß dislozierter bzw. verkippter Korrektionsgläser auf perimetrische Befunde, simuliert mittels Ray Tracing, WAV-Conference 1996 (Württembergische Augenärztliche Vereinigung), Tübingen, lecture
  7. Fink W, Schiefer U, Schmid EW (1996) Effect of dislocated and tilted correction glasses on perimetric outcome - a simulation using Ray Tracing, IPS-Meeting 1996 (International Perimetric Society), Würzburg, Germany, lecture and poster
  8. Fink W, Frohn A, Schmid EW (1996) Dislocation of intraocular lens analysed by means of ray tracing, ARVO 1996 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  9. Bräuning J, Fink W, Schüller S, Thiel HJ (1996) Development of a video based eye tracking system, ARVO 1996 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  10. Schüller S, Bräuning J, Fink W, Frohn A, Thiel HJ (1996) Digital video eye tracking in perimetry, ARVO 1996 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  11. Fink W, Frohn A, Schmid EW (1996) Ray-Tracing analysis of transversally dislocated IOL, ASCRS 1996 (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery), Seattle, Washington, poster
  12. Bräuning J, Schüller S, Fink W, Thiel HJ (1996) Miniaturisiertes Kampimetriesystem mittels Datenbrille, DOG-Conference 1996 (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft), Mannheim, lecture
  13. Bräuning J, Schüller S, Fink W, Thiel HJ (1996) Videogestützte Blickrichtungsmessung für das Automatische TAP 2000 Perimeter, DOG-Conference 1996 (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft), Mannheim, lecture and poster
  14. Schüller S, Bräuning J, Fink W, Thiel HJ (1996) Digitale Video-Fixationskontrolle in der Perimetrie, DOG-Conference 1996 (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft), Mannheim, lecture
  15. Nadler W, Fink W (1997) Finite Size Scaling in Neuronalen Netzen, DPG-Conference 1997 (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft), Münster, lecture
  16. Nadler W, Fink W (1997) Das Ising Perzeptron: Universalitätsklassen bei der Speicherung binärer Muster, DPG-Conference 1997 (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft), Münster, poster
  17. Frohn A, Fink W, Schmid EW (1997) Lichtbrechung in Kataraktlinsen bei der Diagnostik unklarer Sehstörungen, DGII 1997 (Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für Intraokularlinsenimplantation), Frankfurt, lecture
  18. Frohn A, Fink W, Schmid EW (1997) Axial Displacement of IOL by Vitreous String, ASCRS 1997 (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery), Boston, poster
  19. Frohn A, Fink W (1997) Light scattering in cataract as diagnostic tool, ASCRS 1997 (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery), Boston, lecture
  20. Frohn A, Fink W, Schmid EW (1997) Axiale Linsenverschiebung als Folge eines Glaskörper-Stranges, DOC 1997 (Deutsche Ophthalmochirurgen), Nürnberg, poster
  21. Bräuning J, Schüller S, Fink W (1997) Digitale Video-Fixationskontrolle in einem "Head Mounted Campimetric System" (HMCS), DOG-Conference 1997 (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft), Berlin, lecture
  22. Schüller S, Bräuning J, Fink W (1997) Blickrichtungsmessung mit Infrarotvideotechnik in einer Datenbrille, DOG-Conference 1997 (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft), Berlin, lecture
  23. Frohn A, Fink W (1998) Light-ray-deflection in lenses for early cataract detection, ARVO 1998 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  24. Fink W, Huebscher HJ, Seiler T (1998) Correction of biometric data derived from digital Scheimpflug records, ARVO 1998 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  25. Burth R, Fink W, Hölper E, Mayer S, Schiefer U (1998) Development of the Tübingen neuro-ophthalmological perimetric database, IPS-Meeting 1998 (International Perimetric Society), Gardone Riviera, Italy, lecture and poster
  26. Fink W, Schiefer U, Schmid EW (1998) Neural attractor-network classification of visual field data, IPS-Meeting 1998 (International Perimetric Society), Gardone Riviera, Italy, lecture
  27. Fink W (1999) Internet-based neural network classification of visual field data, ARVO 1999 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  28. Fink W, Hsieh AK, Sadun AA (2000) Computer-automated 3-D visual field testing in distinguishing paracentral scotomas of Optic Neuritis vs. AION, ARVO 2000 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  29. Mjolsness E, Davies AG, Castano R, Lou J, Fink W (2000) Autonomous Rover-Based Scientific Investigation Using Invertable Mathematical Models, poster, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting, Fall 2000, San Francisco, California
  30. Fink W, Sadun AA (2001) Prospects for Autonomous Visual Field Testing on Space Missions, lecture and poster, NanoSpace 2001, Exploring Interdisciplinary Frontiers, The International Conference on Integrated Nano/Microtechnology for Space and Biomedical Applications, March 13-16, 2001, Galveston, Texas
  31. Mjolsness E, Turmon M, Fink W (2001) Stochastic Parameterized Grammars for Bayesian Model Composition, Interface '01, The 33rd Symposium on the Interface of Computing Science and Statistics, Costa Mesa, Orange County, California, talk
  32. Fahimi A, Sadun AA, Fink W (2001) Computer automated 3D visual field testing of scotomas in glaucoma, ARVO 2001 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  33. Nazemi PP, Fink W, Lim JI, Sadun AA (2001) Paracentral scotomas of age-related macular degneration detected by means of a novel computer-automated 3-D visual field test, ARVO 2001 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  34. Fink W (2001) Project Eyemovie: Motion visualization of eye defects, ARVO 2001 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  35. Nazemi PP, Fink W, Sadun AA, Minckler D, Francis B (2001) Early detection of glaucoma by means of a novel computer-automated 3-D visual field test, abstract, American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, poster
  36. Davies AG, Fink W, Castano R, Barrett A, Mjolsness E, Burl M (2001) Observing Active Volcanism on Earth and Beyond With an Autonomous Science Investigation Capability, poster, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting, Fall 2001, San Francisco, California
  37. Castano R, Anderson RC, Fox J, Dohm JM, Haldemann AFC, Fink W (2002) Automating Shape Analysis of Rocks on Mars, poster, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) 2002, March 2002, Houston, Texas
  38. Fink W, Castano R (2002) Automated Objective Characterization of Visual Field Defects in 3D, ARVO 2002 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  39. Fink W (2002) Autonomous Visual Field Test & Diagnosis System in Space and on Earth, talk at the JPL IT Symposium 2002
  40. Fink W (2003) Autonomous Visual Field Test and Diagnosis System, talk at the NASA Medical Technology Summit: Forging Partnerships to Commercialize Emerging Medical Technologies
  41. Fink W (2003) Wireless Intraocular Pressure Sensor, talk at the NASA Medical Technology Summit: Forging Partnerships to Commercialize Emerging Medical Technologies
  42. Fink W, Humayun M (2003) Blind Patient-in-the-loop Optimization Algorithm for Electrical Stimulation Patterns for Retinal Implant Electrode Arrays, poster, First DoE International Symposium on Artificial Sight, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  43. Fink W, Sadun AA, Clark JB (2003) Worldwide Accessible Comprehensive Visual Field Test & Diagnosis System, ARVO 2003 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  44. Fink W, Tarbell M, Weiland J, Humayun M (2004) DORA: Digital Ob ject Recognition Audio-Assistant For The Visually Impaired, ARVO 2004 (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, poster
  45. Fink W, Clark JB, Manuel K, Sadun AA (2004) Automated Visual Field Test & Diagnosis System in Space and on Earth, 75th AsMA (Aerospace Medical Association) Annual Scientific Meeting: Frontiers in Aerospace Medicine, Anchorage, Alaska, lecture
  46. Terrile RJ, Adami C, Chau SN, Ferguson MI, Fink W, Huntsberger TL, Klimeck G, Kordon MA, von Allmen P (2004) Evolutionary Computation Techniques for the Automated Design of Space Systems, Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) 36th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Louisville, KY, lecture

    Invited Talks, Seminars and Colloquia (since 1997):

  1. Fink W (Oct 1997) Application of theoretical-physical methods in ophthalmology, invited talk, Department of Physics, University of Lund, Sweden
  2. Fink W (14 Apr 1998) Laser Control of Chemical Reactions, Kellogg Journal Club, Division of Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy at the California Institute of Technology
  3. Fink W (22 May 1998) Applications of Theoretical Physics in Ophthalmology, Kellogg Seminar, Division of Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy at the California Institute of Technology
  4. Fink W (03 Jul 1998) Thermodynamical Quantities Accessible Via Electrochemical Measurements - A brief introduction to Electrochemistry, Astrobiology Seminar, Division of Geological & Planetary Sciences at the California Institute of Technology
  5. Fink W (16 Oct 1998) De Novo Protein Design: "...finding a sequence in the haystack?!", Kellogg Seminar, Division of Physics, Mathematics & Astronomy at the California Institute of Technology
  6. Fink W (02 Dec 1998) Applications of Theoretical Physics in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Physics and Astronomy Colloquium (invited talk), Department of Physics and Astronomy at the California State University Northridge
  7. Fink W (07 Apr 1999) Applications of Theoretical Physics in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, invited talk, Department of Physics and Astronomy at the California State University Los Angeles
  8. Fink W (25 June 1999) Applications of Theoretical Physics in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences - Possible Clinical Applications, invited talk at Grand Rounds, Doheny Eye Institute at the University of Southern California (USC)
  9. Fink W (19 Nov 1999) On the Human Eye, the Origin of Life, and finding THE Sequence in the Universe, invited talk, Center for Integrated Space Microsystems (CISM) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
  10. Fink W (16 Dec 1999) On the Origin of Life and finding THE Sequence in the Universe, invited talk, Machine Learning Systems (MLS) Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
  11. Fink W (3 Nov 2000) Project "Eyemovie": Motion Visualization of Eye Defects, invited talk at the Dr. Isaac Bekhor Seminar Series, Doheny Eye Institute at the University of Southern California (USC)
  12. Fink W (1 Dec 2000) Novel 3D Visual Field Test and Project "Eyemovie": Motion Visualization of Eye Defects, invited guest at the Live-TV-Show CU@USC on Trojan Vision Television, a service of the USC Annenberg Center, University of Southern California (USC)
  13. Fink W (4 Dec 2000) Project "Eyemovie": Motion Visualization of Eye Defects and 3D Computer-based Threshold Amsler Grid Test, invited talk at the Medical Technology Program Group at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  14. Fink W (2 Feb 2001) 3D Computer-based Threshold Amsler Grid Test, invited talk at the Dr. Isaac Bekhor Seminar Series, Doheny Eye Institute at the University of Southern California (USC)
  15. Fink W (19 Jul 2002) Project "Eyemovie": Motion Visualization of Eye Defects and 3D Computer-automated Threshold Amsler Grid Test, invited talk at the Department of Ophthalmology at the Loma Linda University
  16. Fink W (14 Jan 2003) To See or Not to See...Tools for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders, invited all-Lab Lecture at JPL
  17. Fink W (2 Mar 2003) To See or Not to See...Tools for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders, invited talk at the Mardi Gras Conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  18. Fink W (7 Apr 2003) To See or Not to See...Tools for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders, invited Lecture at the Caltech Bioengineering Seminar (Dr. Mory Gharib)
  19. Fink W (11 Apr 2003) To See or Not to See...Tools for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders, invited Lecture at the Bioengineering Seminar at the University of Southern California (Dr. Aluisio Prata)
  20. Fink W (17 Jan 2004) Robotic Eyes!, invited Lecture at the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, San Diego
  21. Fink W (12 May 2004) To See or Not to See...Tools for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders, invited Lecture at the Tri County Eye Society, March Airfield Museum, Inland Empire
  22. Fink W (20 August 2004) To See or Not to See... Tools for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders in Space and on Earth, invited lecture at the Baskin School of Engineering at the University of California Santa Cruz
  23. Fink W (2 November 2004) To See or Not to See..., invited lecture at the School of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California
  24. Fink W (18 November 2004) To See or Not to See... Tools for Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders in Space and on Earth, invited lecture at JPL's von Karman Lecture Series at the von Karman Auditorium at JPL
  25. Fink W (19 November 2004) To See or Not to See... Tools for Earl y Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of Eye Disorders in Space and on Earth, invited lecture at JPL's von Karman Lecture Series at the Vosloh Forum at Pasadena City College

Copyright © by Dr. Wolfgang Fink

Last modified: Fri Jan 21 2005 at 12:00 AM